Verenice's Way: Making Therapy Cool for Kids
Remember what it was like being in middle school? Lots of eyeliner, acne, shy smiles revealing horrible braces, irritability, hormonal surges…the works. It’s a flashback no one really wants to relive in their minds. But while you’re here reading this, let’s take a trip down the awkward memory lane of those “golden” years. For some people, it might have been a lonely time, a scary time, a time where you longed for being included, for wanting to be the embodiment of coolness (whatever that meant), a time of vulnerability while getting to know who you were. Not easy. Now that these thoughts have let those memories creep back in, imagine what it would be like to be a teen nowadays. Social media dictating life, violence, political polarization, natural disasters, pandemics, you name it. Tough. It’s no wonder we are currently living a mental health crisis amongst U.S. children and teens. According to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, in the past decade, feeling of persistent sadness and hopelessness - as well as suicidal thoughts and behaviors - increased by about 40% among young people. That’s a lot! And it was after witnessing all of this firsthand when Verenice decided to create change.
Verenice Hernandez, founder and CEO of Wishwell, had worked in the education system for over 20 years as a school counselor before she realized things needed to be different when it came to helping kids go through their struggles. During the years as a school counselor she experienced pretty much everything, from suicide attempts to confessions of murder in her office. She developed an awareness that something more had to be done. For starters, there was an average ratio of one counselor to 400 students. When Verenice had one on one time with the student, it wasn’t enough time. The other thing she noticed wasn’t working was that the referral source was always therapy, and unfortunately, the therapy system is fogged up. If you are part of a community resource that offers therapy, there is a 12 month waitlist. Yup. One whole year. So basically, students weren’t getting the support they needed and deserved. Verenice also realized that not all kids need mental health therapy. A lot of them need coaching, support and empowerment and they definitely weren’t getting that. She then began to imagine a place where kids could feel safe and connected, feel like they belong without compromising who they were. A place where kids could open up and feel like they were understood. So she decided to start Wishwell, a counseling and empowerment center focusing on holistic well-being, empowerment and healing whilst supporting children in finding a deeper connection with themselves and their families.
As a mother of three teenagers, you can say Verenice knows what the struggles and difficulties of the younger generations are and the importance of making kids feel comfortable first in order to be able to help them. When creating Wishwell, she thought of it as an anti therapy center. They believe in therapy, they have licensed therapists, but they also know that therapy isn’t for everyone. There are multiple ways to heal and that allows them to get to know kids on a different level. Wiswell isn’t a traditional gray wall therapy center. It’s colorful, vibrant, inviting, interactive and fun. A cool place that is warm and nurturing, where kids learn about tactics, how to communicate, how to fail forward, form decisions and create identity. As Verenice says, “it is the most proactive center you are going to find”. Now, with Wishwell up and running, and a kick-ass brand identity and website to show off for it (wink), she hopes Wishwell will continue to expand with the goal of it becoming a franchise, providing in-person as well as virtual support for kids and parents. As for the newer generations, Verenice wishes they can develop a strong voice about what is not acceptable in their lives and that they are brave enough to find what they are looking for.
To learn more about Wishwell, visit their website and their Instagram @WishWellCounseling
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3 pieces of parenting advice that has worked for Vere:
- Practice actively listening skills and actively listen to what your kids are saying and what they are not saying. Building connections with our kids first starts by building trust and actively listening is a huge part of it.
- Find teachable moments: I’m always seeking connections to things and focus on turning them into teachable moments. When your child is struggling with a math problem at school, a teachable moment may look like this: ”I know math is really hard…and to me the search for the answer is more important than the answer itself, because in life we must develop the skill of how to find the answer, because life is hard but we must be resourceful and develop the confidence to fail and get back up…the process of learning is more important than the answer itself.
- Make them comfortable with failure: I have seen so many kids struggle with anxiety because they failed at something or they couldn’t meet the expectations. Don’t get me wrong, I celebrate wins but I also normalize failure, especially when I know my kids have tried hard. It’s important for me as a parent to allow my kids to fail in a safe place because if they don’t process that fear and failure in a safe place, they will fail in some way as an adult in a scary place.
Book recommendation from Vere:
What will parents learn from this read:
- How to set your kids up for success and help them shine even brighter.
- What your kids really need from you as parents and how to build an even stronger connection.
- Different parenting styles and partnerships that fit your family like a glove.
- Uncover your kid’s hidden talents and strengths, like discovering a treasure map to success.